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Wednesday, April 13, 2005The local government of Arad County in western Romania today launched a project calling for the creation of a new industrial area in the commune of Zimandul Nou. They have already allocated 0.3 km² for this project, with more land being expected to be allocated for theContinue Reading

Sunday, July 30, 2006 Firefighters have confirmed that the large James Bond sound stage at Pinewood Studios has been destroyed by fire. It is thought eight fire engines were called to the scene near Iver Heath in Buckinghamshire on Sunday morning, where filming for Casino Royale, the latest Bond movie,Continue Reading

Here’s An Opinion On: Flat Pack Kitchen Cabinets Bedroom Closet Design Ideas by Christopher Osborne To do this, it is important to choose reliable custom closet organizers providing very best cabinets. Renovation as well as re-designing of your entire kitchen can be overwhelming and highly expensive. It is a bigContinue Reading

This is the category for cannabis, a drug with recreational and medicinal uses. Refresh this list to see the latest articles. 16 February 2018: United States: Berkeley, California declares itself a sanctuary city for recreational cannabis 16 April 2017: Canada to legalise marijuana to ‘make it more difficult for kidsContinue Reading

Here’s An Opinion On: Certified Nurse Assistant Training Programs Los Angeles Home nursingservice is a kind of nursing service where the patient is takencare and comforted in home premises rather than in a medical facility. Manyoften in medical treatments there are cases where patients are diagnosed withpartial or full paralysisContinue Reading

Thursday, March 26, 2020 In a new study released by the Florida Museum of Natural History on Monday, scientists report spiky skulls evolved at least 25 separate times in different kinds of frogs. The survey was reportedly to be published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Lead authorContinue Reading