New York City often evokes images of heart-stopping Broadway shows, classic film scenes, and television series. The city is brimming with energy, filled with aspiring actors and actresses hoping to make their mark. It’s in this dynamic city where acting is not just a profession—it’s a way of life. AgainstContinue Reading

Here’s An Opinion On: Film And Video School Australia Submitted by: Kaitlin Ertha Have you lately broken up with your boyfriend as well as wish to get ex boyfriend back? You simply need to adhere to some simple methods and tricks that may help you get your boyfriend back withContinue Reading

Here’s An Opinion On: Acting Coach Sydney Independent Directors Acting on Cayman Islands Funds by linda bing Under Cayman Islands law there is no specific term for a director, however in essence directors are those persons who have ultimate duty for the behavior of the company and have similar featuresContinue Reading

Here’s An Opinion On: Academy Of Film, Theatre & Television Spatial Rays of Thinking and Acting by brix ovng People draw upon strategies that emphasize the use of spatial thinking to carry out projects. They set ideas into spatial contexts, seeing similar things as being close together and dissimilar thingsContinue Reading

Here’s An Opinion On: Performing Arts Sydney University Submitted by: Kylie Grimes Every actor dreams of hitting the big screens. Before a prospective actor does this, they must exercise patience. This is one of the basic necessities of successful acting careers. Did you know that even a majority of theContinue Reading

Here’s An Opinion On: Screenwriting Courses Australia Back To School Stress by Tina Allen, LMT, CPMMT, CPMT, CIMT A poll on found that children were just as stressed about school work as they were about social and appearance issues. All of these reasons make back to school time stressfulContinue Reading